10 Questions with Trevius

Trevius answers questions, keeps identity anonymous

Jessi Zook, Features Editor

This past week, I had the opportunity to sit down with the one and only Trevius Maximus.

The acclaimed school mascot answered a few questions that have no doubt been on all of our minds.  While it’s imperative to keep Trevius’ true identity a secret, these ten questions might give you a few hints as to which student has taken on the responsibility this year.


Jessi Zook: Why did you choose to be the mascot?

Trevius Maximus: I chose to be mascot because I have an insane amount of school spirit and I’ve always wanted to be my high school’s mascot.  When I was a little kid at New Trier football games, I would only pay attention to the mascot.

JZ: What’s the process like to become a mascot?

TM: The process is pretty straight forward.  The mascot from the pervious year finds someone that they think would be “worthy” enough to be the mascot and they pass down the mantel to the person they choose.  There’s also an application process through Student Activities.

JZ: How does your personality influence the persona of Trevius Maximus?

TM: I try not to let my personality influence the actions of the Trevius because I try to act the way I think a trevian would.  I act like a trevian every time I stand on the sideline or when I try to pump up the crowed.  Even the way I walk changes when I put the costume on.

JZ: What’s the best part of the job?

TM: The best part of the job is when I see students in the student section mimicking my actions.  I also love when little kids line the stands to get high fives.

JZ: What’s the worst part of the job?

TM: The worst part of the job is the costume.  It’s extremely hot and there’s no way to cool down because I can’t take off my mask.

JZ: Why do you choose to remain anonymous?

TM: When people look at Trevius they shouldn’t think of the person in the costume, they should think about Trevius as a person.  I think it’s funny watching people try to guess who it is.

JZ: Who, if anyone, have you revealed your identity to?

TM: The only people who know are my closest friends and my parents.  My sister found out when I left the head on my bed and she walked in to get something.

JZ: What are your responsibilities as school mascot?

TM: My responsibilities as Trevius are to be at every game and entertain the crowd by dancing and reacting to plays and touchdowns.  I also walk around the school occasionally and high five students.  I have to be a physical representation of school spirit and I take it very seriously.

JZ: How does Trevius influence the atmosphere of New Trier sporting events?

TM: Trevius is there to help pump up the crowd and get them excited for games.  I’m also there as a form of entertainment for kids and students.

JZ: Can you tell us anything about yourself personally?

TM: I am a senior and my favorite class is humanities.  I enjoy long walks on the beach and getting caught in the rain.