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The student news site of New Trier High School

New Trier News

The student news site of New Trier High School

New Trier News

The student news site of New Trier High School

New Trier News

Destinations 2018


Emily Abt – McGill U.

Emerson Adams -Texas Christian U.

Michael Ahmadi – U. of Illinois, Chicago

Jude Al Abosy – DePaul U.

Zane Albrecht – U. of Wisconsin

Caroline Alcock – Marquette U.

Seth Alexander – Miami U. Oxford

Drew Ali – U. of Michigan

Jessica Alt – U. of Richmond

Josh Alter – Syracuse U.

Colleen Angarone – Montana State U., Bozeman

Ralitsa Angelova – Purdue U.

Olivia Appel – U. of California, Santa Barbara

Jaine Archambeau – Columbia U.

Nick Artinian -Marquette U.

Joey Artinian – Marquette U.

Ben Axelrod – Indiana U.


Kiran Baakkonen – U. of Chicago

John Baird – Michigan State U.

William Baldwin – U. of Colorado Boulder

Aviv Barad – The George Washington U.

Kate Barbin – Butler U.

Rachael Barich – Occidental College

Nicole Basil – U. of Michigan

Katie Bauer – Elon U.

Tony Bayvas – Northwestern U.

Spencer Beacom – U. of Chicago

Gretchen Beatty – Butler U.

Izzy Becker Bogan – Indiana U. Bloomington

Bibiana Belknap Fernandez – Boston U.

Caroline Bercu – Tulane U.

Alex Bernardo – Loyola Marymount U.

Reed Bianucci – Middlebury College

Matt Bilas – Boston U.

Annie Bingham – Brigham Young U.

Melissa Bingham – LDS church mission, Philippines

Hunter Binkley – Nova Southeastern University

Julia Birdsell – U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Jacey Birkenmeyer – Grinnell College

Nicole Blesi – Fordham U.

Emma Bliwas – U. of Denver

Charlie Blomberg – Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U.

Maggie Blommer – U. of Portland

Mulan Blum – The Ohio State U.

Madeleine Blumen – Parsons School of Design, New School University

Jami Blumenthal – Washington U., St. Louis

Jason Born – Denison U.

Hannah Borushek – U. of Illinois

Peri Box – Indiana U.

Amy Boyle – Queen’s University

Juliana Bozzo – U. of South Carolina

Sage Bradford – U. of California, Santa Cruz

Joanie Bradshaw – Southern Methodist U

Kathryn Braeseke – U. of Iowa

Serena Braun – Illinois Wesleyan U.

Jason Brickman – Emory U.

Andrew Brilliant – American U. of Paris, U. of Southern California

Tess Britton – U. of Michigan

Anna Brooks – Bucknell U.

Jack Brown – Carleton College

Sophie Brown – Swarthmore College

Tess Brown – U. of Miami

Isabelle Bryla – The Ohio State U.

Sarah Buchmann – Illinois Wesleyan U.

Benjamin Buckner – Oakton Community College

Benji  Buckner – High Point U.

Tori Budin – U. of Wisconsin

Kristina Butler – U. of South Carolina

Payton Burch – Denison U.

Abigail Burke – Iowa State U.

Olivia Burnside – Denison U.

Katie Burton – Colby College


Matthew Cacioppo – College of William and Mary

Allie Caldwell – Indiana U.

Lily Carley – U. of Pittsburgh

Aleksandra Carter – Gap Year

Elena Cata – U. of Wisconsin

Casey Chang -U. of Illinois

Peter Chatain – Stanford U.

Jose Chavez – U. of Illinois

Jeffrey Chen – Brandeis U.

Eleanor Cheng – U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Rachael Chiao – Boston U.

Samantha Chipman – Loyola U. Chicago

Linda Chiu – U. of Michigan

Marcus Chong – Other

Brianna Chou -U. of Chicago

Elliot Chow – Northwestern U.

Alex Chvala – Tulane U.

Scott Citari – U. of Pittsburgh

Ben Citow – Dartmouth College

Andrew Clark – Coastal Carolina U.

Roslyn Co – U. of Illinois

Katelyn Cody – College of the Holy Cross

Sophia Compton – U. of Hawaii at Manoa

Brian Conaghan – U. of Illinois

Kevin Conaghan – Marquette U.

Grant Condry – Miami U., Oxford

Anabelle Conley – Indiana U.

Jack Connolly – Tulane U.

Ana Cornell – Northwestern U.

Benjamin Costello – Traveling Europe and South America

Michael Cothran – Bradley U.

Dylan Cotter – Santa Clara U.

John Crawford – U. of Illinois

William Crimmins – U. of Illinois

Zachary Crispino – Cornell U.

Sarah Cucco – Miami U., Oxford

Elly Cudmore – Georgetown U.

Jeremy Cunningham-Kasper – National Centre for Circus Arts, London

Nicholas Curl – Rochester Institute of Technology

Emily Curylo – Illinois State U.

Nicholas Curylo – DePaul U.


Julia Damen – Loyola U. Chicago

Nicole Daniels – Kenyon College

Kevin Day – Vanderbilt U.

Tommy De Felice – U. of Illinois

Megan de Joya – U. of Wisconsin

Joey De Matteo – Augustana College

Chris DeLeo – North Carolina State U.

Ella Denman – U. of Puget Sound

Anna DeNunzio – Michigan State U.

Alex DeTrempe – Southern Methodist U.

Benjamin Dieffenbacher – U. of Michigan

Maggie DiPatri – Boston College

Frances Dolan – American U.

Lindsay Dolan – U. of Wisconsin

Daphne Donnelly – Marquette U.

Grace Caoilin Donnelly -New York U.

Alex Donnelly-Maine – Indiana U.

Payton Dooley – Saint Louis U.

Aris Douvlis  – U. of Kansas

Layne Dubose – Miami U., Oxford

Lauren Duffy – Boston College

Jackson Dugan – Santa Clara U.

William Dugan – Furman U.

Charlie Dunkerley – U. of Manchester, United Kingdom

Ella Dunkerley – U. of Oxford, United Kingdom

William Duquette –  Council on International Educational Exchange, Spain

Freddy Durbin – Oakton Community College

Alessandra Dutra – U. of Iowa


Jillian Economos – U. of California, Berkeley

Tori Edington – Princeton U.

Annie Eidelman – U. of Puget Sound

Gabe Eilert – Rochester Institute of Technology

Olivia Eisen – The Ohio State U.

Abdel Elashry – U. of Michigan

Lauren Ellis – Berklee College of Music

Michelle Ellis – Colorado State U.

Jake Ellis – U. of Denver

Owen Eskandari – Dartmouth College

Tatum Ewing – U. of Michigan


Nick Falter – Indiana U.

Evan  Farrell – Miami U., Oxford

Courtney Faurot – Michigan State U.

Aidan Favakeh – Babson College

Drew Feeney – U. of Colorado at Boulder

Sophia Feinerman – Bowdoin College

Will Felitto – Willaims College

Hannah Fergus – Florida Gulf Coast U.

Michael Ferguson – Pepperdine U.

Matthew Filipovic – U. of Illinois

Olivia Finks – U. of Southern California

Teddy Fischer – Kenyon College

Morgan Fisher – Lawrence U.

Shane Fitzpatrick – U. of Dayton

Victoria Flannagan – Baylor U.

Mackenzie Fleming – U. of Michigan

Sammy Fogel – U. of Wisconsin

Andrew Fortin – Northwestern U.

Michael Franczek – Michigan State U.

Annie Free – U. of California, Santa Barbara

Megan Frentzel – U. of Illinois

Esther Frost – U. of Central Florida


Megan Gabor – U. of Illinois

Miriam Gagerman – U. of Missouri Columbia

Isabella (Izzy) Gagliardi – Elon U.

Sofia Galioto – U. of Illinois

Annie Gallagher – Dean College

Eva Galper –  U. of Illinois

Stella Garland – Indiana U., Bloomington

Jen Gattuso – Butler University

Carolyn Genty – Indiana U., Bloomington

Matthew George – Marquette U.

Nour Ghobrial – U. of Illinois

Caroline Gibson – Indiana U.

Kathryn Gibson – Indiana U.

Sam Gillman – The U. of Arizona

Sophia Girgenti – Johns Hopkins U.

Jared Glaaser – St. Olaf College

Blake Glass – U. of Illinois

Robert Gobeli – Indiana U.-Purdue U. Indianapolis

Sarah Goff – DePauw U.

Katie Gold – Colgate U.

Lisa Gong – Cornell U.

Jasmine Gonzalez – Loyola U. Chicago

Shannon Gonzalez – Undecided

Franklin Goodman – U. of Illinois

Nikelle Gorham – U. of Colorado, Denver

Torri Goss – Purdue U.

Lucas Gottshall – U. of Illinois

William Gourley – U. of Michigan

Charlie Grant – Southern Methodist U.

Ryan Gridley – Northwestern U.

Kyle Gross – U. of Wisconsin

Maggie Grote – U. of Wisconsin

Ayanna Guillen – DePaul U.

Elainia Gupta – Grinnell College

Michael Gurtisen – U. of Northern Colorado

Liam Guthrie – Rochester Institute of Technology

MacClement Guthrie – American U.


Tommy Hackley – DePauw U.

Kinsey Hagedorn – U. of Kansas

Jacob Hagist – Indiana U.

Pearson Hague – Savannah College of Art and Design

Stephen Hajjar – U. of Michigan

Elise Hall – Villanova U.

Jen Hall – U. of Iowa

Mackenzie Hall – Santa Clara U.

Lauren Hancock – Miami U., Oxford

Alex Handwerker – U. of Wisconsin

Blake Handwerker – Northwestern U.

Taylor Hanlon – Baylor U.

Ellie Hanold – U. of Dayton

Nicholas Hansen – Purdue University

Elizabeth Hanslip – U. of Alabama

Alex Harris – The U. of Alabama

Leopold Harris – American U.

Caroline Hartman – Northwestern U.

Sarah Hayes – Texas Christian U.

Clare Healy – Miami U. Oxford

Zachary Hearn – Junior Hockey

Sydney Heekin – U. of Colorado, Boulder

David Heiman – Syracuse U.

Patrick Helle – U. of Illinois

Alexis Heredia – Lake Forest College

Gabe Herman – U. of Illinois

Matilda Hilarides – Rhodes College

Eden Hirschfield – Northwestern U.

Lauren Hoagland – U. of Dayton

Asher Hoffman – Young Judaea Year Course

Jared Hoffman – George Washington U.

Sonia Holstein – George Washington U.

Ria Honda – Columbia U./Juilliard School Exchange

Haley Hoover – U. of Illinois

Cole Horvath – Cornell University

Avi Horwitz – Case Western Reserve U.

Bennett Huber – U. of Wisconsin

Evan Hummel – Syracuse U.

Caroline Hunken – U. of Wisconsin

Will Hurley – U. of Colorado, Boulder


Adrian Ille – U. of Illinois, Chicago

Arielle Imber – Washington U., St. Louis

Jacob Imber – Georgetown U.

Olivia Ingle – Boston U.

Aiden Isaacson – U. of Iowa

Caroline Iserloth – U. of Wisconsin

John Izzo – Indiana U.,Bloomington


Nikolai Jacobs – LeTourneau U.

Lilly Jaffe – Lynn University

Ethan Jakob – U. of California, Santa Barbara

Isabel James – Texas Christian U.

Nadia James – U. of Denver

Nicholas Jarmusz – Colorado School of Mines

Arianna Javaras – Xavier University

Sophie Jednorowicz – Chapman U.

Julie Jordan – University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Clara Jungwirth – U. of Illinois


Dina Kacila – Saint Louis U.

Christina Kafkis – U. of Wisconsin

Thomas Kahler – Colorado State U.

Jason Kaminski – U. of Wisconsin

Kelly Kang – Villanova U.

Carli Kanter – U. of Illinois

Annie Kaplan – Vanderbilt U.

Renee Kaplan – U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Grace Kapsimalis – U. of Denver

Natalie Karabas – U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Elena Karahalios – U. of Illinois

Nicole Kaspi – U. of Chicago

Max Kaufman – The Ohio State U.

Cullen Kavanaugh – Syracuse U.

Lanie Keller – Michigan State U.

Michael Kelly – Work and Airforce

Brendan Kelly – U. of Missouri Columbia

Alex  Kennett – College of Charleston

Will Kerpan – DePaul U.

Brian Kerwin – U. of Illinois

Katie Kessler – Illinois State U.

Aisha Khan – Cornell College

Parker King – Utah State U.

Sophia King – College of William and Mary

Jenn Kirby – Rhodes College

Bayne Kiser – U. of Pennsylvania

Frank Klapperich – Marquette U.

Konner Klassen – U. of Nebraska, Lincoln

Carolynn Klingsporn – U. of Minnesota, Duluth

William Koestring – U. of Denver

Alex Kogen – U. of Illinois

Jamie Kohr – Northwestern U.

Jimmy Kokinis – U. of Illinois

Ben Kolot – U. of Southern California

Michael Kolovos – American U.

Renuka Komlofske – U. of Dayton

Carson Koy – Loyola U. Chicago

Julia Kraut – U. of Colorado, Boulder

Anna Kruger – College of William and Mary

Madelyn Kudia – California Polytechnic State U., San Luis Obispo

Alexandre Kulp – Marquette U.

Mihir Kumar – U. of Southern California


Andrew LaCava – Wake Forest U.

Brandes Lafevers – U. of California, San Diego

Frances Lafontant – Tulane U.

Mac Lamason – U. of Dayton

Charlotte Lane – Villanova U.

Patrick Lanser – U. of Notre Dame

Ryan Lanser – U. of Notre Dame

Olivia Lantry – Denison U.

Cesar Lanuza Gurdian – Babson College

Josh Lariosa – U. of California, San Diego

Marisol Lariviere – Yale U.

Allie Larkin – Saint Louis U.

Luke Lato – The George Washington U.

Rebecca Lee – Boston College

Sophie Leuchtner – U. of California, San Diego

Peter Leutz – Dartmouth College

Joe LeVee – U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Jacob Levy – Cornell U.

Juliette Lewis – Auburn U.

Sophie Lind – U. of Colorado, Boulder

Ben Lissner – Boston U.

Luke Litowitz – Northwestern U.

Adam Lloyd-Jones – Swarthmore College

Jane Lombardo – Miami U., Oxford

Alex Look – DePaul U.

Katie Lorenz – U. of Michigan

Grace Lyman – Washington U., St. Louis

Ashley Lynch – Miami U., Oxford

Lizzie Lyons – Texas Christian U.


Kate Macakanja – Princeton U.

Kate Machnik – Indiana U.-Purdue U. Inidanapolis

Aidan Macpherson – U. of Pennsylvania

Wilson MacRitchie – U. of Michigan

Louie Madanguit – DePaul U.

Riley Maher – Indiana U.

Jack Maitra – U. of Southern California

Chandler Maizel – U. of Denver

Gaby Malnati – Santa Clara U.

Daniel Maloney – U. of Wisconsin

Charlie Mandell – U. of Denver

Libby Markham – The New School

Nell Martin – Villanova U.

Chloe Mathias – Elon U.

Carla McCanna – Loyola Marymount U.

Jesse McCauley – U. of Wisconsin

Sofia McGrath – Washington U., St. Louis

Jack McKenzie – Syracuse U.

Merryn McKeough – Emory U.

Grace McManus – Kenyon College

Thomas McShane – U. of Illinois

Rachel Mehlman – U. of Illinois

Mia Melchiorre – Indiana U.

Sofia Mena – New York U.

Leah Merrill – Brigham Young U.

Jack Mestanas – Xavier U.

Emily Mete – Oakton Community College

Matt Metrick – Tulane U.

Nicole Metropoulos – Indiana U.

Leigh Meyer – The George Washington U.

Matthew Meyer – U. of Illinois

Felicie Michel – U. of Namur, Belgium

Emma Michelson – Syracuse U.

Graham Michelson – U. of Pennsylvania

Greyson Miller – Illinois State U.

Lorenzo Miller – U. of Wisconsin

Rebecca Miller – Tufts U.

Sarah Miller – U. of Miami

Meriel Mischler – U. of Vermont

Maya Mistrik – U. of Illinois

Ellie Monieson – Tulane U

Jonas Monieson – U. of Wisconsin

Joel Montgomery – U. of Illinois

Allison Monto – U. of Michigan

Kylie Moore – Santa Clara U.

Charles Morgan – Denison U.

Andrew Morhun – Eastman School of Music of the U. of Rochester

Catherine Morris – U. of Dayton

Colin Morris – U. of Dayton

Megan Morris – U. of Illinois

Jack Mosele – U. of the Arts, London

Matt Mosher – Indiana U.

Gabriel Moskow – Miami U., Oxford

Allen Moy – Marquette U.

Katie Moy – U. of Illinois

Clare Mulhern – U. of Illinois

Cate Murdock – U. of Notre Dame

Maggie Murdock – U. of Notre Dame

Jack Murphy – U. of Iowa

Liam Murphy – U. of Miami

Rita Murphy – Lawrence U.

Peter Murray – U. of Michigan

Joseph Musolino – Lehigh U.


Charlie Nahrwold – Pennsylvania State U., U. Park

Andrey Nash – U. of Miami

Meredith Nassar – Miami U., Oxford

Frankie Nayman – U. of Southern California

Gracie Nayman – Vassar College

Ilana Nazari – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Kian Nematollahi – Marquette U.

Elisabeth Nettesheim – U. of Colorado, Boulder

Anthony Nicholas – Marquette U.

Ellen Noeh – U. of Wisconsin

Patrick Norrick – Washington U., St. Louis

Parker North – California Polytechnic State U. Luis Obispo

Griffin Norton – Texas Christian U.

Will Nummy – Illinois Wesleyan U.

Laura Nusekabel – Colorado State U.


Mary O’Brien – Marquette U.

John O’Keefe – Wake Forest U.

Grace O’Toole – U. of Illinois

Tara O’Connor – U. of Illinois, Chicago

Patrick O’Keefe – U. of Richmond

Julian Oh – U. of Illinois

Liam Oh – Northwestern U.

Thomas Okun – U. of Chicago

Andrew Olson – Cornell U.

Emma Olson – Michigan State U.

Josephine Olson – Boston U.

Kelly Olvany – Colgate U.

Kelsey Ortega – Parsons School of Design, The New School


May Paddor – Tulane U.

Gia Palacios – Marquette U.

John Papas Dennerline – Purdue U.

Seoyeon Park – Northwestern U.

Sydney Parker – DePaul U.

Ben Parkhill – U. of Southern California

Will Parris – Drexel U.

Eleanor Pass – The George Washington U.

William Pass – Denison U.

Danny Passeri – U. of Iowa

Kushali Patel – College of William and Mary

Megan Patterson – Texas Christian U.

Drew Patton – Purdue U.

Ethan Paul – U. of California, San Diego

Jason Paul – Northwestern U.

Lauren Perl – Washington U., St. Louis

Louisa Perrin – Bryn Mawr College

Piper Phillips – Indiana U.

Gigi Picard – Mount Holyoke College

Eric Plante – U. of Illinois

Nicole Pofcher – Stanford U.

Dillan Prasad – U. of Chicago

Rachel Price – Syracuse U.

Kendal Pridgeon – U. of Illinois

Emily Pruchnicki – U. of Denver


Donald Quach – U. of Illinois

Galen Quinn – U. of Wisconsin


Hank Rahaley – Colorado State U.

Sophie Randle – Texas Christian U.

Carynn Jo Randolph – U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Alexia Raucci – Arizona State U.

Nolan Raymond – U. of Colorado, Boulder

Husnain Raza – U. of Illinois

Maisie Reardon – Saint Louis U.

Cam Redding – Saint Louis U.

Emma Reder – Scripps College

Elise Reehl – Boston U.

Sophie Reid – Miami U., Oxford

Julie Resnick – U. of California, San Diego

Max Rezek-TeWinkle – Indiana U.

Rachel Rhee – Washington U., St. Louis

Sabrina Rice – Denison U.

Sara Richman – Indiana U.

Christopher Rife – U. of Illinois

Miles Rios – U. of California at Santa Cruz

Audrey Ritchie – U. of Colorado, Boulder

Meagan Rittmanic – Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering

Amelia Robinson – Miami U., Oxford

Grace Robinson – Fordham U.

Patrick Rocap – Santa Clara U.

Olivia Rocklin – New York U.

Graham Rodes – Boston U.

Mason Rodriguez-Rand – U. of Chicago

Katherine Roeser – U. of Illinois

Olivia Rogers – College of Charleston

Hunter Roggekamp – U. of Michigan

Emma Rohrer – U. of San Diego

Sasha Rosenberg – U. of Oregon

Kiki Rosenblat – U. of Illinois

Cam Rosin – U. of Colorado, Boulder

Amia Ross – Harvard U.

Matthew Roth – Dartmouth College

Olivia Roth – Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design

Trevor Rowland – Iowa State U.

Carolyn Roy – Valparaiso U.

Kathryn Roy – Valparaiso U.

Madeleine Ruane – The U. of Texas, Austin

Adam Rubin – U. of Colorado, Boulder

Phoebe Rudnick – U. of Colorado, Boulder

Jack Rudolph – U. of Iowa

Sam Rutherford – Butler U.

Rachel Ruzumna – U. of Michigan

William Ryan – U. of Pennsylvania


Jack Sadera – U. of Oregon

Sophie Sain – Wake Forest U.

Melanie Salgado – U. of Illinois

Allison Salmon – U. of Illinois

Mia Sampson – U. of Colorado, Boulder

Matthew Samuelson – Marquette U.

Jarett Sanchez – Marquette U.

Emma Santiccioli – Indiana U.

Maliha Sayed – Ithaca College

Matthew Schaum-Rivera – Bowling Green State U.

Charles Scheinfeld – The U. of Texas, Austin

Samantha Scheinfeld – U. of Southern California

Abby Schinderle – U. of Wisconsin

Benjamin Schmeissing – U. of Michigan

Hans Schmit – Indiana U.

Remi Schreder – Santa Clara U.

Alli Schwartz – U. of Colorado, Boulder

Carolyn Schwartz – Colorado State U.

Kailyn Scobie – Butler U.

Gwyn Scrine – Indiana U.

Sora Seals – U. of Illinois

Chauncey Seeger – U. of Michigan

Georgie Seifman – The U. of Texas, Austin

Natalia Semaniuk – Depaul U.

Andrew Severino – The U. of Texas, Austin

Maggie Seymour – Butler U.

Sarah Shapiro – St. Olaf College

Phillip Shaw – U. of Miami

Aidan Shea – Boston College

Quinn Sheehan – Boston College

Chris Shelton – Tulane U.

Morgan Sheridan – The U. of Texas, Austin

Mia Sherin – Kenyon College

Hailey Shevitz – College of Charleston

Lexi Shoup – The Ohio State U.

Sam Shrier – Southern Methodist U.

Skylar Shvartsman – Saint Louis U.

Eva Silberman – Hamline U.

Daniela Sirott – U. of Illinois

Lydia Skewes – U. of Iowa

Vivienne Sleigh – Colgate U.

Carter Slivka – Purdue U.

Claire Slivka – U. of Colorado. Boulder

Samuel Isaac Slomski-Pritz – Oberlin College

Drew Smith – Butler U.

Meghan Smith – Tulane U.

Jessa Snower – U. of Wisconsin

James Snyder – Indiana U.

Teera Somsak – U. of Colorado, Boulder

Elaine Sowlat – Clark U.

Lucy Spahr – Cornell U.

John Spaulding – Boston U.

Hannah Spinner – U. of Wyoming

Ilana Spitz – Tulane U.

Ben Spring – U. of Illinois

Milena Srivastava – Michigan State U.

Nicholas Stachowiak – U. of Arizona

Hannah Stein – Brandeis U.

Loren Steinberg – Santa Clara U.

Olivia Stensberg – Texas Christian U.

Matt Stetter – Syracuse U.

Hans Stilp – U. of Illinois

Spencer Stilp – Texas Christian U.

Ian Stone – Denison U.

Eli Straight – U. of Wisconsin

Kara Struckman – Georgetown U.

Ryan Struckman – U. of Vermont

Abe Sun – U. of Illinois

Justin Sun – U. of Illinois

Elli Sweet – Georgetown U.

Alex Swett – U. of Illinois

Zoe Swoish – Indiana U.


Kim Tan – U. of California, Santa Cruz

Michael Tanaka – Lehigh U.

Jack Tangen – Lindenwood U.

Marty Tatosian – Indiana U.

McEan Taylor – McGill U.

Elle Terrado – U. of Illinois

Arjun Thakkar – U. of Michigan

Charles Thompson – Pennsylvania State U., U. Park

Eliza Tilson College of William and Mary

Christian Tingle – Case Western Reserve U.

Annie Tobey – Denison U.

Ella Torres – Eastman School of Music of the U of Rochester

Colm Traci – Santa Clara U.

Brendan Traverso – Indiana U.

Eloise Trout – Lehigh U.

JP Tucker – U. of Tulsa


Allison Uebele – The U. of Texas, Austin

Niki Urban – U. of Wisconsin


Megan Van Dusen – Syracuse U.

Nina VanPopering – North Carolina State U.

Elena (Lolly) Vasilion – U. of Vermont

Charlie Vassallo – Tulane U.

Grace Verhoog – U. of Michigan

Julia Vining – Rhodes College

Jacqueline Vinson – The U. of Alabama

Michael Vinson – U. of Notre Dame

Alaina Vivian – U. of Southern California

Maria Von Kunhardt – Gap Year in France


Molly Wagner – U. of Vermont

Hank Walker – Indiana State U.

Simone Wall – Duke U.

Reilly Walsh – Northwestern U.

Helen Ware – Berklee College of Music

James Wasielewski – Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.

Kathryn Watson – U. of Colorado, Boulder

Lawrence Webb – U. of Denver

Adam Weber – Undecided

Max Weber – U. of Wisconsin

Hunter Weil – U. of Illinois

Katie Weix – U. of Wisconsin

Rachel Weix – U. of Wisconsin

Jessica Werner – U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Sophie White – Colgate U.

Joshua Wilens – American U.

Ryan Williamson – The Juilliard School

Gabe Wineman – U. of Pennsylvania

Nina Winograd – U. of Colorado, Boulder

Hannah Wirth – U. of Illinois

Maddie Witt – U. of Illinois

Annabel Wolf – Savannah College of Art and Design

Ashton Womsley – U. of Georgia

Vivian Wu – U. of Chicago


Hannah Xu – Case Western Reserve U.


Nathan Yamaguchi – The U. of Alabama

Emma Yang – U. of Illinois

Julia Yang – Boston U.

Natalie Ye – U. of Chicago

Ethan Yee – Indiana U., Bloomington

Albert Yen – U. of Illinois, Chicago

Yasmine Yidiz – New York U.

John Paul Yoseph – U. of Dayton

Lauren Yousha – Vassar College

Michelle Yurovsky – Depaul U.


Belle Zelazny – Michigan State U.

Noah Zelinsky – Pace U., New York City

Sicheng Zhou – U. of Wisconsin

James Ziener – Indiana U., Bloomington