Summer is a time for students to take a break, get some sun, kick back, and relax. However, many New Trier students also use their summer break to earn some money and beef up their resumes by getting a summer job. Through words of mouth and networking many students have been able to find a job for this upcoming summer.
Sarah Abrams, a New Trier junior, is a great example of a student who has a summer job. Abrams is a camp counselor, and she found out about the job from a friend. The application process was easy. “It’s just an online application and then an interview,” said Abrams. Abrams also said that she loves her job because she loves to meet new people and, of course, make money. “I would definitely recommend others to get a summer job. It’s a great way to meet people outside of New Trier.”
Drew Keenan is another New Trier Junior who has a summer job. Keenan will be a lifeguard this summer at the Indian Hill Country Club. “I found out about my summer job from my older brother. The person who runs the pool there is also the head coach of the swim team here at New Trier, which helped make the process of getting my job a lot easier,” stated Keenan. Not only does he plan on making money, but he also plans on becoming closer with the people that work there. “I would recommend this job to anyone because it is pretty relaxing.”
If you are a New Trier student who is looking for a job this summer there are a lot of resources in the Career Center that can help any perspective student find one. Molly Ottolini is the secretary at the career center and spoke about the job board. According to Ottolini, the job board is covered with job descriptions that identify location, payment, hours, and contact information for an array of different jobs. She said, “The Job Board is a clearing house for information. We do not try to match people up with specific jobs, but, if an employer is looking to fill a job with a student, they call me and I put up all the information about the job onto the board.” Also ,according to Ottolini, the Job Board is busiest around the beginning and end of the school years.
Luckily, new jobs are posted often. “For a summer job you want to start looking early because I know, especially park district jobs, start filling up in January,” said Ottolini. Tutoring and baby-sitting are the two most common jobs found on the Job Board, but, they also have some computer programing jobs and lifeguard opportunities too. The Job Board is open to all students, but some jobs may have age qualifications. “I think any work experience is good, but overall, it is up to the student to see whether or not they want to spend their summer working,” responded Ottolini. Once a job is posted on the Job Board, the process becomes completely anonymous and independent. It will be up to the student to call and follow up with the employer.
Overall if you are a student looking for a summer job the job board is the place to go. It is located in the Career Center and is open for all student to stop by and check out. While summer may be a time to take a break and relax, summer jobs can also be a great way to spend your summer.