Students can’t get enough of Petti’s Pod

Started by senior Tyler Petti, Petti’s Pod covers sports at New Trier

Beginning as a pandemic passion project, Petti's Pod is available on audio platforms like Spotify and updates frequently with new guests

Petti’s Pod

Beginning as a pandemic passion project, Petti’s Pod is available on audio platforms like Spotify and updates frequently with new guests

Often, great things emerge as a consequence of pure chance. For example, Issac Newton first theorized his system of gravitation when he was hit on the head by an apple. Archimedes accidentally discovered the principle of buoyancy when he stepped into his bathtub. 

Tyler Petti, creator of the Petti’s Pod podcast, was struck by a similar sensation in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. With professional sports making a return after a long hiatus, Petti found himself immersed in many conversations surrounding the NBA bubble, baseball without fans, and European soccer in the wake of the pandemic. 

Then, an idea hit him, like an apple fell on his head. 

The idea was to start a podcast, and convert many of the talks that he was having with his friends into a public spectacle. 

It would be called Petti’s Pod, and initially, Tyler did not expect much to come from it. 

“I really just wanted to have a platform where I could talk about sports with my friends… It was more for fun than anything.”

At first, the contents of Petti’s Pod revolved around professional sports only. European soccer was Petti’s topic of greatest expertise, but discussions about the NBA, NFL, and more leagues were also featured. 

But Petti understood that discussing pro sports could only take him so far. He was, in effect, just regurgitating analysis that professional sports analysts were already saying. He was not bringing anything new to the table.

Then, Petti decided to start talking about New Trier sports. The teams at school were performing at a very high level, he thought, and it would be fun to do a podcast on his peers. Like before, Petti did not anticipate that much would come of it. 

“That’s when it really blew up,” Petti said. 

New Trier students could not get enough. They loved hearing about their school’s athletic successes, and Petti’s Pod provided an accessible source of information. Furthermore, Petti brought on New Trier athletes as guests, granting listeners a new level of access to the nuances of each team and player. 

Jake Fiegen, a New Trier boys basketball captain, has appeared as a guest on Petti’s Pod multiple times.

“My experience [with Petti’s Pod] has been great. Tyler asks good questions about the team, and it’s fun to talk about in a public setting.” 

Ilir Bejleri is a New Trier basketball super-fan, and he has reaped the benefits of Petti’s Pod.

“Hearing more about the team beyond just what they do on the court is great,” said Bejleri. “I listen whenever there is a basketball episode.” 

With all of the success that Petti’s Pod has recently experienced, a question has emerged: What’s next?

Come this summer, Petti will have graduated, and will be donning alumni status. It will be difficult for him to interact with New Trier sports. He, after all, will no longer be a Trevian. 

But, the podcast will live on. 

Petti said, “Petti’s Pod will continue, with professional sports and sports at my college. I am excited for the future of the podcast.”