Category #1: Chocolate

12. Cookies N’ Cream Hershey’s Bar
I know these aren’t that popular, but I wanted to include it on this list just so I could put it at the very bottom. Cookies N’ Cream Hershey’s Bars taste like a mix of palm oil and sugar. It’s very rare to find decent white chocolate, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Hershey’s attempt at a white chocolate bar was a complete fail.
11. Reese’s Pieces
I would never choose these over Reese’s cups or M&M’s, so they’re useless in my eyes. They’re also pretty gross – the peanut butter is sickeningly sweet.
10. 100 Grand Bar
These are overrated.100 Grand Bars combine Twix, Snickers, Milky Ways, and Crunch Bars to form an overwhelming mess of chocolate, caramel, and crisped rice. Messy would be okay if taste made up for it and in the case of the 100 Grand Bar, it doesn’t.
9. Hershey’s Chocolate Bar
Eh, it’s chocolate. The fact that it doesn’t have caramel or nuts is a win for me – its simplicity is refreshing. The chocolate is pretty low quality, though.
8. Snickers
These are so overrated. Snickers shouldn’t be classified as candy but more like unhealthy granola bars. Once you bite into it and get past the (overrated) nougat, you’re met with a wall of hard peanuts.
7. Tootsie Rolls
I want to like Tootsie Rolls…but I just don’t. They’re too chewy and they always leave me disappointed with their lack of flavor.
6. Milky Way
These are okay – better than Snickers, at least, in that they don’t have an overwhelming amount of peanuts.
5. M&M’s
Due to their size, and their not being overly sweet, M&M’s are perfect for a candy binge. They also have a variety of flavors; peanut, peanut butter, caramel, brownie, pretzel, birthday cake, dark chocolate, and much more.
4. Twix
Twix is definitely the best caramel candy but I’m just not a caramel person. The fact that they don’t have an overrated nougat inside and that it’s just caramel and chocolate on the inside places them above the Milky Way and Snickers Bars.
3, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
Reese’s cups are always a safe bet. They’re always exactly as good as how you remembered them to be. The combination of chocolate and peanut butter can be a little overwhelming sometimes, but still.
2. Crunch Bars
I’ve been seeing less and less of these on Halloween. Crunch bars are often outshined by the more decadent Twix, but I’d take its satisfying crunch over Twix’s barrage of caramel any day.
1. Kit-Kats
While Kit-Kats are one of the more common types of candy, they’re often pushed aside in favor of the caramel filled candies like Twix. But sometimes, you’re just not in the mood for a Twix and would prefer the simplicity of a wafer and a thin layer of chocolate. Kit-Kats have always been my favorite Halloween candy. Unfortunately, the far superior flavors of strawberry and raspberry (NOT green tea) aren’t available in the U.S.
Category #2: Fruity

15. Tootsie Pops
What is the point of these? I don’t know anyone who doesn’t throw them away once they reach the disgusting Tootsie core. I would always rather have a normal lollipop than one with a wet, deformed tootsie roll in the middle. Tootsie Pops are a completely nonsensical combination of two otherwise okay candies.
14. Twizzlers
Pure plastic.
13. Smarties
The worst thing about these is the texture: it’s like eating fruity chalk. I’ve put Smarties this low on the list to make up for them being severely overrated. They’re definitely not the worst.
12. Skittles
Skittles are just gross. They don’t even taste like the flavors they’re supposed to be. For instance, if it wasn’t for Google, I would have never known that green Skittles were supposed to be green apple flavored. Why? Because the green Skittles taste exactly the same as the red, orange, yellow, and purple Skittles.
11. Jolly Rancher Chews
These are okay, but too artificial tasting. The cherry chews have a distinct radioactive tang. There was really no need to combine Jolly Ranchers and Starbursts.
10. Dum-Dums
Dum-Dums never fail to disappoint. Each time I eat one, I’m shocked by its lack of flavor(especially the cherry ones).
9. Ring Pops
No matter what you do, your fingers will get sticky. There’s literally no way to avoid it and the narrow plastic ring will not save you. I always experience regret after eating one of these because I could have just had a regular lollipop and saved myself all the trouble it takes to actually consume this monstrosity.
8. Nerds
Nerds are basically glorified Tic Tacs. They’re okay, but I would never choose them over anything else – because they’re not really candy, they’re gum.
7. Airheads
I actually have no idea what these are made of and I’m not sure I want to know. Still, Airheads taste pretty good, they’re just not worth it – they’re so artificial that the paint rubs off on your hands and gets everywhere. Also, the texture is grainy like sand.
6. Sour Patch Kids
The only thing that gives Sour Patch Kids flavor is the sour sugar. That’s gone after about five seconds. Still, when the flavor’s there, it’s pretty good.
5. Laffy Taffy
These are probably the hardest to chew but they’re really good. They’re not worth the cavities, though.
4. Lemonheads
Lemonheads aren’t seen often enough on Halloween – often outnumbered by the more popular Jolly Ranchers and Starbursts. Once the lemon flavor’s gone, you might as well just spit the whole thing out, but I’d say it’s worth it for the zesty lemon shell.
3. Starbursts
Starbursts deserve more recognition. There are no bad flavors—even the orange ones aren’t too bad! The only downside is that they can be hard to get out of your teeth.
2. Jolly Rancher
Their long-lasting flavor, convenience, and variety of flavors put them in the #2 spot. My only complaint would be the uneven distribution of flavors in the bags. The amount of blue raspberry Jolly Ranchers is normally double that of the cherry ones.
1. Swedish Fish
The most overlooked Halloween candy, Swedish Fish’s pleasant texture, pliability, and the fact that it doesn’t make your teeth hurt separates it from the other gummy candies. Unlike Sour Patch Kids, Swedish Fish don’t rely on some weird sugary powder to give them flavor. They don’t even have gelatin! Plus, Swedish Fish are large enough to enjoy one at a time, discouraging binging.