Letter to the Editor
Vote yes for the fair tax
I am writing today to address the recent Fair Tax article by Connor Caserio, Illinois graduated income tax: Fair tax or tax hike? (Oct. 23, 2020).
This November, we in Illinois have the opportunity to make a direct change to our unfair tax system by voting yes on the Fair Tax amendment.
Our outdated tax structure is unfair and has been for decades. Low-wage workers, working parents, teachers, etc are paying almost double what the wealthiest pay in taxes as a share of their income! The current tax structure also exacerbates income inequality and racial wealth gaps.
The Fair Tax amendment will do exactly what it says—make our tax system more fair. Those who make over $250,000 per year will have a slightly higher rate and 97% of taxpayers will receive a tax cut or pay no more.
Opponents who say they are concerned about the impact of the Fair Tax on the middle class by and large aren’t middle class themselves. Hardworking middle-class people across Illinois have resoundingly supported the Fair Tax, including over 100 labor organization endorsements. What’s important to understand is that the state legislature already has the power to raise taxes. If the Fair Tax isn’t passed, it makes it more likely that taxes will go up for everyone, including the middle class.
Passing the Fair Tax is a non-partisan issue. Over 100 organizations have endorsed the Fair Tax, including the Illinois Nurses Association, League of Women Voters, Shriver Center on Poverty Law, Sierra Club Illinois, Chapter, and the North Suburban Teachers Union.
When you’re voting, make sure to find the Fair Tax on your ballot. It will be labeled “Constitution Ballot / Proposed Amendment to the 1970 Illinois Constitution”. Don’t forget to vote Yes!
–Maya Crystal, ’21