Graduates share appreciation for NT community

Seniors stop to thank NT staff and students who have made a difference to them

“I am extremely grateful for my friend, Kathy Chen. She has been my friend even before high school, but during my high school experience, she was always there for me. Her kindness, support, and funny jokes always made my day. Above all, she listened and really cared about what I had to say. I will forever cherish the countless days that I drove her home.”- Summer Gaines-Wheeler

“I am grateful for the opportunity to be the voice of the Spooky Scrounge this year. I am also grateful for my adviser, Mr. Mersch, he’s an amazing, down to earth guy.”- Brian Joseph

“I’m grateful for the amazing extracurriculars New Trier has because without them I would have never met my best friends”- Keyler White

“I feel so many warm feelings towards the ELS students who I worked with for three years both in the Transition Room and also in Special Olympics. They filled my heart with such joy and I feel so humbled to have gotten to know them.”- Andrew Moerschel

“Ms. Chao, my advisor, literally made my day every morning. She was like a second mom to me, someone I could always go to. I will miss her so much.”- Lauren Piotrowski
“I am extremely grateful for my resource teacher Mr. Newman for helping through the hardest parts of life and helping me achieve greatness as well as happiness despite the lack of motivation and mental illness I had suffered the last two years of high school.”- Laila Blum

“I appreciate my favorite lunch lady, Maria. She made my favorite wraps (spinach wrap with turkey, provolone, tomato, lettuce, onion, and pesto mayo, of course) and always asked me about my day and complimented my earrings. Her smile always brightened my day.”- Anna Shah

“I am grateful for Mr. Dunn. His honesty, sense of humor, and empathy is unlike any teacher I’ve ever had and it has made one of the hardest classes in the school super fun and something to look forward to every day.”- Charlie Hoban

“Very grateful for our PPS for picking up the trash that obnoxious sophomores leave everywhere.”
– Tinah Hong

“The profound (and sometimes crazy) thinking that Mr. Kajfez forced me to do in Modern World History.” – Patrick Condon

“I’m grateful for Mr. Weiler. Best English teacher I’ve ever had.”
– Charley Meier

“I’m so grateful for my adviser, Molly Lombardi. She actively tried to make sure we were taken care of. She was an amazing advocate to have.”
– Isabelle Calkins

“I will forever be grateful for knowing Marie Tasiopoulos, she was not only there to make me smile every single day, but she was there for me during difficult times and never turned her back on me no matter what. She showed me what a true loyal friend is and I will never forget that.”- Isabel Dune

“Ms. Subhani. She changed my life.”
– Francesca Mattozzi

“My adviser, Mr. Sloan, was literally the best adviser I could’ve asked for. He’s as good of a mentor as you can have on this Earth—selfless, compassionate, smart, funny, hard-working, and knows the perfect balance of when to really push you and when to go easy on you. I couldn’t be more grateful to have him for all 4 years of high school.”
– Zachary Stein

“Ms. Kirsch, thanks for being like a second mom. You made me love theatre in so many different ways like directing and play writing. The theatre seriously became my home because of you.” – Erin Donohue

“I’m grateful for every student and coach on the cross country and track team for making my four years the best they could ever be.” – Charlotte Cleary

“Dr. Hoefling. She is one of the best humans I have ever met and I am so grateful to have had her as my anatomy and physiology teacher.”
– Katherine Fawcett

“I am extremely grateful to have Laura Malia as my adviser — she not only helped me through a very long and tough school transition, but she had always made it her first priority to ensure that everyone was doing OK or needed anything.” – India Glennon

“I am grateful for Mrs. McCarthy, my algebra II teacher who really made the class feel safe and welcome and bringing us together when we lost a classmate. I also really appreciate Señora Kamen who was extremely nice and made class a fun place to be.”- Shelby Jacob

“I appreciate all the teachers who helped me because of my situation as a English language learner.” – Yanbin Yang

“I am thankful for Mr. Wurth for being my favorite during my time at New Trier. I was the only junior in a class of seniors and he embraced me as one of them. I made lifelong friends in Astronomy and I will be forever thankful for the impact he had on me as a person.” – Trevor Boehm

“I appreciate Mr. Wukas, he taught me that it is okay to not be perfect, and we all are human. He made me realize that grades and ACT scores are not everything.” – Ilana Stolberg

“Ruttinsky and the entire NT Dance Division.” – Julie Beaucaire

“I am super grateful for the amazing teachers that have helped me throughout these years. A teacher that really was helpful to me was my adviser Mr. Kansler. Thank you for all that you did for me! Every chance that you got you worked to include me even when I got back to New Trier from New Jersey.” – Harrison Bazianos

“I am really grateful for Ms. Sanders, the school psychologist. She supported me so much during my journey at New Trier. Mr. Eliacin did everything he could to support Black student initiatives at New Trier. I’m also incredibly grateful for Mr. Kola. He was the best consumer seminar teacher! He was relatable and fun and I am really grateful to have been his student. Mrs. Cloud and Ms. S are pretty cool librarians! So many more!” – Xariah Chase

“I am so appreciative of all of my New Trier Teachers, especially my adviser, Ms. Simons, and all of my IGSS teachers. All of you made my New Trier experience even better than I thought it could be.” – Mary Baillos

“I am forever grateful for all of my teachers these past four years, especially the arts department. Thank you for all of the life long memories and life lessons.” – Cammi Avery

“Coach Nate Kelp-Lenane made me feel confident and proud of myself when oftentimes I never have that feeling.” – Ryan Avrick

“Chuck, you’ve been with me all four, and I am grateful for that.”
– Liam Fleming

“Dr. Salerno is an amazing teacher and person.” – Grace Magner