Junior Rebecca Canales creates Latina owned press-on nail business

‘Rebecca X nails’ is passion project for Bolivian entrepreneur. In this series, The NT News shines a spotlight on hispanic students who enrich the culture of the school

Canales, owner of Rebecca X Nails

Canales, owner of Rebecca X Nails

Junior Rebecca Canales has started to dip her toes in the entrepreneurial world with her press-on nail business, Rebecca X Nails, as a Latina entrepreneur. 

Canales started her business Apr. 2021 after discovering her passion for business and nail art through New Trier’s clubs like Young Entrepreneurs and Girl Up. 

Rebecca X Nails is a press-on nail business that follows the latest nail trends. The goal of the business is to provide trendy press-on nails, while trying to change the perception of fake nails. 

“Many think the nail colors and designs that come with press-on nails need to be like those typically found in drugstores and while those are beautiful, there is a huge realm of current trends for nails and my goal is to expose my audience to those trends that I see everyone taking part in more and more every day,” said Canales. 

At the start of creating Rebecca X Nails, Canales had been practicing nail art for five years. She remembers feeling insecure about her abilities in running a business when preparing for launch, but slowly gained confidence as she learned more about business. 

“I learned I had a passion for business and while my discipline and knowledge grew, I became more confident in my abilities and my intelligence but I knew the only thing that was missing was taking action,” said Canales.

Every month, Rebecca X Nails releases ‘Monthly Menus’ which presents new trending nail colors and designs that are available to purchase for two months. Customers can purchase their press-ons by customizing their wanted color and design.

“Sometimes customers request custom nails that are always exciting to create and bring to life. The Monthly Menus launch every month and are always exciting for me to create and show to my audience. They have become a unique and significant part of the Rebecca X Nails business,” said Canales. 

Canales’ designs from her instagram, @rebeccax_nails

Canales credits her entrepreneurial skills to clubs she participates in at New Trier. Girl Up and Young Entrepreneurs club helped immerse her passion of nail design with business. 

“While the Young Entrepreneurs Club helps me learn how to become a leader, work with groups, and become a great entrepreneur, the Girl Up club allows me to learn how to join in discussions, share my thoughts with others, and most importantly how to help girls not only in New Trier but around the world as well,” said Canales. 

As a minority at New Trier, Canales feels accepted and included with the many clubs and inclusive atmosphere the school has to offer. Connecting with people who share a similar background and struggles has been important to Canales. 

“Clubs such as the Racial Affinity Coalition and many cultural clubs help minorities in New Trier, I also believe they need to be more advertised. The clubs do exist but it needs to be well-known for more minorities to find and reach out to them to be able to immerse themselves more into their culture and find more people from their community,” said Canales. 

To celebrate Hispanic Heritage month, Canales is excited to learn about the journey of her family’s immigration to the United States. She feels grateful and inspired to make her entrepreneurial dreams come true. 

“Every day, I remember how my family came to this country with next to nothing and now have children who go to one of the top high schools in Illinois and run businesses. As a strong Latina, I am filled with a generous amount of ambition and determination,” said Canales. 

Canales believes that one of the biggest lessons she has learned being a part of the minority community is to voice opinions, especially when facing adversity. She also thinks that supporting minority owned businesses on an emotional level is crucial to encourage more minorities. 

“We need to make sure that even with moments of adversity, that we never give up and we keep going until we reach our goals, until we find our community, until we voice our opinion until we start that business. You may not always fit in with the rest of the crowd but even if you do not, you have to be proud of who you are and you have to keep your head high and your chin up,” said Canales.