Juuls now rule the school as students frenzy over e-cig

The evolution of smoking leaves NT students hooked on the newest e-cig

Maya Kowitt, News Editor

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past year, you know that the “Juul” is the latest craze for all vape-lovers alike.
For those of you who don’t know, a Juul is a small e-cigarette that comes with nicotine juice cartridges that can be swapped in and out.
A senior who would like to remain anonymous described the Juul as, “A little tobacco vaporizer that gives good buzzes for a good price: fifty dollars. But you have to be 18 years old to purchase one.”
Despite the legal age minimum for purchasing tobacco, students said that seniors are not the only students at New Trier who use Juuls. “I know they are frequently used by all New Trier classes, but I would say a majority of them are boys,” a New Trier junior said.
While many students are raving about this newest edition to the e-cig family, some students, such as senior Katie Krauskopf, are concerned for the health of their peers. “One Juul pod is equal to one pack of cigarettes, therefore, Juuls kill,” Krauskopf said.
Though some students are puzzled why Juul’s remain so popular among students, others think they help keep students away from the “real stuff.” A senior said, “They are a great substitute for cigarettes, and are a good way to quit smoking.” She added, “I hear from guys that it’s a good alternative to dipping, which can cause mouth cancer.”
According to “Juul’s” official website, juulvapor.com, they don’t want it to look like a cigarette. “Which led us to the more ergonomic and distinctive rectangular shape of Juul. We addressed the many usability and performance issues of small e-cigarettes such poor vapor production, frustrating cartridge and charger connections. It was really a complete reimagining of the e-cigarette,” the website announced.
A senior noted the difference this new design makes, “Any time is a good time to Juul because it’s convenient, and they’re small and compact so you can take them anywhere. As long as you make smart decisions as to when to use it, you’re fine.”
As the senior said, the small and compact design of the Juul is what attracts many people because of it’s discreet “USB-like appearance”. Though it’s innovative design may make the Juul appear simple and harmless, a senior at New Trier wants people to know that it has just as much impact as a cigarette.
“The Juul is super addictive, because it’s concentrated nicotine. One pod is equivalent to a pack of cigarettes, and if you smoke a pack of cigarettes you’re going to get addicted,” the senior said. “I go through a pod a day, but some people go through two pods a day. I only use it recreationally.”

With many people calling the Juul the “Apple of vaping,” it’s made students want to obtain the shiny, new product. Just like everyone wants the latest iPhone, everyone wants the newest and most efficient way to “get a buzz.”
Contrary to a sophomore who said, “I like the Juul because it’s a diverse alternative to other e-cig products, coming in different flavors such as mint, fruit, créme brûlée, and tobacco,” other students have found little satisfaction with this hyped e-cig.
Students believe that vaping is currently a part of the “New Trier experience.” According to a junior, it’s more socially acceptable than smoking cigarettes.
Senior Eden Rane said, “If people use Juuls, it doesn’t change my opinion on them, it’s their choice as long as they’re the legal age of 18.”
Along with Rane’s belief, senior Dylan Horvitz remains unopinionated about the use of Juuls, “I’ve heard a lot of things about Juuls and I don’t know what to think because some people think it’s cool and some people think it’s bad for you.”
Though everything is expected to advance as we become more technologically savvy, students acknowledge that it’s disconcerting that even the dangerous habit of smoking has evolved.
A junior recalled her experience using a Juul as “unpleasant.” “It always made me feel sick after I did it. My throat felt like it was on fire after I ripped a couple, so I don’t do it anymore. It gave me a nice buzz for about two minutes and then it went away. I don’t understand the hype,” she said.