Party conventions shed light on goals of candidates

Biden and Trump accept presidential nominations at virtual conventions filled with speeches and well known politicians, but few crowds


Both candidates centered each night around a theme that reflects their views

In late August, presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump both accepted their formal nominations. Both the democratic and republican parties held conventions in which party members gave speeches and were awarded delegates from each state. Biden finished with a total of 2,687 delegates, while Trump ended with 2,358 delegates.

The Democratic National Convention was held 90 minutes away in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The convention was four days, spanning Aug. 17 to Aug. 20. Each night had a title, all with the underlying idea of uniting the country.

The first evening was based around the title ‘We the people.’ The day specifically called on Americans to come together and vote. The night consisted of a speech from former first lady Michelle Obama and a moment of silence for George Floyd. 

Night two’s theme was titled ‘Leadership Matters’, and the night was just that. It was on this night that Biden was officially named the Democratic candidate. Speeches featured Jill Biden, former President Bill Clinton, and the much anticipated Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. All the speeches focused on boosting Biden and picking at the mistakes in the Trump administration.

The third night was full of impactful speeches. This night’s theme focused on “A More Perfect Union.” Former President Barack Obama and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both made speeches expressing how we must fight against the Trump administration to create ‘a more perfect union.’

The final night delved into “Uniting America,” which encapsulated the whole convention’s central theme. Joe Biden accepted his nomination and followed it with what is considered to be his best address yet. He emphasized the importance of this election and how it will be a key turning point in history. That same night Kamala Harris was named the vice president nom and became the first Black woman and South Asian American woman on a major party ticket.

A week later, the Republican National Convention kicked off. While each night also had a theme, it was clear that the main focus was to take shots at the Biden campaign. The convention was held from Aug. 24 to Aug. 27, primarily in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Trump and Pence were both renominated, off-camera, before the convention in the evening. “Land of Promise” was the theme for the first night. Speeches from Nikki Haley and Donald Trump Jr. shined a positive light on the Trump administration, while Senator Tim Scott gave a speech focused on race.

The second night had a set theme of “Land of Opportunity.” Despite the theme, a speech from First Lady Melania Trump highlighted the Coronavirus. Trump held a naturalization ceremony in the White House, proving how the United States is truly the ‘Land of Opportunity.’

Night three had the theme  “Land of Heros.” Speeches included Second Lady Karen Pence and White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway. Conway’s speech was much anticipated after she announced she would be leaving the White House at the end of the month to focus on family.

The final night was packed with speeches. This night’s theme was a nod to Trump’s slogan, “Land of Greatness.” President Trump formally accepted his renomination. Speeches were given in front of a packed, unmasked audience at the White House.

It should be noted that both conventions required several fact checks. While both conventions had social distancing measures in place, the RNC had several unmasked gatherings without social distancing, but testing was done prior to the event. 

Both conventions gave voters an inside look at each candidate and their goals. After 4 long nights, each candidate hopes to have locked in more votes.